David Plouffe’s perspective on the election, Obama's new sick     DATE: 2024-10-18 20:28:29

A charity by any other name:Law professor and tax expert Adam Chodorow breaks down what we know about the workings of the Trump Foundation, and finds that the IRS should probably refer the businessman to the Justice Department for investigation.

Go home, you’re a mess:Jordan Weissmann interviews somebody named Barack Obama about his new initiative to extend paid sick leave to more workers in the United States.

Pass me some of that chill:Isaac Chotiner interviews past Obama campaign manager and current Clinton surrogate David Plouffe, who is not at all, even a little bit, worried.

An education: Alisha Mernick taught in a charter school, and tried to organize teachers into a union. She tells Hella Winston about the many obstacles the school put in her path.

Pardon our French for a minute:We need it for this one. Michelle Goldberg writes about Donald Trump’s inability to resist going after Hillary for Bill’s affairs and discerns a key aspect of his worldview: “For Trump, the only salient distinction when judging a women’s worth is whether she is fuckable or unfuckable.”

For fun:Reddit really, really hates St. Ives Apricot Scrub.

Walnut shells!


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