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Mexico expels North Korean ambassador in protest of nuclear test

2024-10-18 22:25:23      点击:252
Mexico on Thursday expelled the North Korean ambassador in protest of Pyongyang's recent nuclear test.

The government has declared Ambassador Kim Hyong-gil persona non grata and he has 72 hours to leave the country, its foreign ministry said in a statement.

Mexico said it "absolutely rejects" North Korea's nuclear activity.

"North Korea's nuclear activity is a serious risk for international peace and security and represents a growing threat to nations in the region," the Mexican government said.

US calls for UN vote Monday on fresh North Korea sanctions US calls for UN vote Monday on fresh North Korea sanctions 2017-09-09 17:30  |  North Korea
The members of the United Nations Security Council are discussing new sanctions to punish North Korea's sixth and most powerful nuclear test conducted on Sunday.

The U.S. is circulating a draft resolution including banning crude oil shipments to the North and its exports of textiles, according to reports. (Yonhap)

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