
Wind energy blows away coal

Good news for planet Earth, at least as far as the data shows for the United States. According to the US Energy Information Administration, in the five years from 2019 to 2024, in March and April specifically, electricity production using wind power has almost doubled, significantly outdoing generation from coal-fired power plants in the US.

Data shows wind produced about 25.8 GWh in March 2019 and 29 GWh in April 2019, jumping to 45.9 and 47.6 GWh in March and April of this year, respectively. In that same period, coal-produced electricity has dropped from about 80 and 60 GWh in March and April of 2019, respectively, down to roughly 38.3 and 37.2 GWh in 2024.

That's a whopping 28% more wind power than coal power for those two months in 2024 compared to 2019. And charting monthly data from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) over the last 22 years shows a remarkable drop in coal-fired energy to accompany a steady rise from wind:

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